Wednesday, September 5, 2012


THE LOCAL "SHOPPER" PROJECT is a little thing that I decided to launch with this latest look of mine. I'd been thinking a bit about starting the project, and I guess I went ahead and followed through. The idea just popped out from the blue and into my mind when a bayong lying around the house caught my eye. It'd be great, I thought, if there were a rising movement that promoted a new trend of using an indigenous bag that would popularize even just a pinch of Philippine culture. A bayong is a durable, local/indigenous bag woven out of palm leaves (I think), and is mostly used as a sort of shopping bag (specially in wet markets where people buy different types of produce and ingredients for cooking like, fruits, vegetables, meat, etc.)-- hence the name "the local 'shopper'". The project is meant to urge Filipino bloggers to take the humble bayong bag, and use it as if it were a regular, ordinary bag, as well as to incorporate it in a "look". Fingers crossed, I really hope that this project catches on; it doesn't have to spread like wildfire; I just hope it ignites a spark-- a spark of appreciation for local products, and culture.

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